Observability from Scratch

Back in February, I found myself quite frustrated with many of the “modern” observability stacks on the open source market. At my previous company, my infrastructure engineer spent a good amount of time fighting with the LGTP stack. After work, I found myself venting to a friend about how unnecessarily complex the open source ecosystem has become. Having worked at startups for the last 4 years, I’ve seen just how hard it can be to deploy a comprehensive observability and business intelligence solution. In this post, I’ll discuss my rationale for abandoning many popular stacks out there today in favor of one of my own design.

The problem with… LGTM/P

Prometheus and its friends have brought us far in our observability journey. So credit where credit is due. Thank you for bringing us as far as you have.

Unfortunately, deploying this system at a startup poses a lot of challenges. Startups are quite often limited in their operations staff. While adopting stateless services often require limited support, the LGTM/P stack brings in 3 stateful systems, drastically increasing the demand on your already limited operations team.

Another downside here is that this stack doesn’t consider the broader needs of business intelligence. With information divided among a number of data sources, you need to know where to look to track down information. Higher level metrics can’t be derived without the addition of another datastore.

Despite its downsides, this stack is still heavily used today due to its fantastic community support, and prevalence in Kubernetes.

The problem with… ElasticStack

To paraphrase Shakespeare, “Open source, or not open source… that is the question.”

Back in August, Elastic announced that ElasticSearch and Kibana would be made open source once again. While I’m a big proponent of the AGPL-3.0 license for this kind of use case, I still feel stuck in limbo about whether to adopt them or not. Given they’ve already changed licenses a number of times, it’s hard to say if this one will be the last one.

On the bright side, some research has been done to investigate how these kinds of license changes have impacted a company’s financial outcome. While research is currently limited by the number of companies with this information publicly available, I wonder how continued research in this space will impact a company’s decision around licensing later on.

So Elastic was out for me… (at least for now).

OpenSearch was another option, and while I’m generally supportive of forks, Amazon has less trust from me than Elastic does.

What’s in a stack?

Before I began ideating on what a new stack would look like, I first considered my experience with a variety of solutions out there.

  • I really enjoyed working with Indeed’s analytics platform. It had some rough edges, but it was key to helping us grow throughout my time at the company.
  • My experience at effx showed me the inefficiencies in solutions like Retool and Redash. They’re OK when you’re a startup, but pose significant challenges for the security minded.
  • At Storj, we used InfluxDB which showed me how a project that started with non-SQL based queries found itself implementing its own SQL-like language.
  • And as I stated earlier, my time at CrabNebula showed me just how complicated the Prometheus stack can get, and how much work can go into it.

What was more interesting to me was that we still treat business intelligence (BI) as an entirely different concern, and even as an entirely different stack. While at Indeed, I saw countless feature requests go into our analytics platform to support features like more real-time insights, being able to trigger alerts on a metric, different indexing solutions for fields, you name it. To me, it made sense to try and collapse these stacks into a single solution to reduce the burden on my future operations teams.

So, the requirements as I saw them were:

  • Drop in solution (changing the status quo is hard)
  • Import data from production databases (securely… obvi)
  • SQL support out-of-box (love it or hate it, everyone knows it)
  • Ability to derive higher level metrics (without the addition of another system)
  • Real-time-ish (a little delay here is OK, but closer to real-time is always better)
  • Single pane of glass (no more confusion about where to go)
  • Dashboards & Alerting (support for email, twilio, pagerduty, etc)
  • Support a more secure future (start small, build out)
  • Extensible data pipeline (add more later as needed)

As far as I can tell, there is no turn-key solution that makes it easy for a small business, like many I’ve worked at throughout the years, to get a comprehensive platform off the ground with minimal support. Sure, we could pay for some third-party services to manage this complexity, but cost is an influencing factor for small businesses. But what do I know? Maybe I’m asking for too much, but I don’t think so.

Storage and persistence

In 2018, I was talking to a co-worker from our data infrastructure team at Indeed about the things I missed while I was away. Our wide-ish events system and analytics platform were the biggest ones. That was when he pointed me at ClickHouse. While it wasn’t relevant to my work, I did play around with it, and it offered a very reasonable alternative for projects beyond work.

Given my experience with other solutions, ClickHouse definitely jumped to the front of the list when setting out to select a data store for this stack. Beyond my tinkering and experience with other technologies, ClickHouse has seen use at companies like Cloudflare, Lyft, Segment, and many more.

As I dug in further, ClickHouse started to check a lot of boxes. With support for a number of SQL drivers, the ability to import data from a wide-range of integrations, and support for querying data using SQL, and even having the ability to tier data storage between local disk and object stores, it seemed more and more like the obvious choice.

Instrumentation and collection

In 2020, I stopped working on my okit library because I came across OpenTelemetry (Otel). While my solution went a little further than theirs did, they wound up addressing my needs at the time. (“Why do I need 3 libraries for observability?“) While it was still early on in development back then, I figured it was worth putting a bookmark in for later on and to just deal with things for now.

My first use case for Otel was to deploy it as a metrics collection gateway back in December so our edge services running in Cloudflare could emit metrics back to our control plane. Because Otel speaks HTTP and gRPC, we were able to expose an endpoint and password protect it. This prevents random data from being sent to our backend. The more I built with Otel, the more it was clear that this system had come a long way since I first found it.

The biggest thing I have come to love about the Otel community is that they meet companies where they’re at when it comes to observability. Regardless of your transport protocol for metrics and traces, Otel has you covered. They support a wide-range of receivers and logs can be shipped using the same collector process. No code change required.

So I was sold. If I wanted to build a solution that could reach a wide-range of users and use-cases, then it needed to include Otel. I can honestly say a lot more here, but I’ll save that for later.

A single pane of glass

Since our storage layer could import data, our presentation layer could focus on fewer tasks. A major influencing factor here turned out to be the alerting component. While there are a number of solutions on the market today, Grafana’s built-in alerting support is hard to beat. On top of that, we have OIDC support, declarative dashboards, an extensive community, and the ability to query a number of different sources.

By centralizing our information behind a single pane of glass and data store, we save ourselves a lot of pain later on. I’ve seen first hand the efforts companies have taken to centralize information and the work needed to maintain those pipelines. Even Charity Majors touches on it in her segment discussing Observability 2.0 on Screaming in the Cloud. She points out that having more sources of information tends to lead to less value.

Finally, Grafana offers an iterative path on security. Organizations offer system operators a means to control access to data sources, folders, dashboards, and much more. Startups can start small, and build out. They can also reduce the cognitive burden on your engineers by prioritizing information based on their role.

Introducing Cognative

Cognative is a portmanteau that uses an acronym of the technologies involved (see sections above) and the suffix “native” from the “cloud native” space, meaning “of indigenous origin”. It’s designed to provide a base layer that your company can build on top of. OpenTelemetry’s collector process enables companies to compose complex data pipelines without modifying the base tech stack. Want to add a queue before your data hits the warehouse? Feel free to add whichever queuing technology your organization prefers.

Deploying the stack is relatively easy to do using Docker and a minimal Helm chart is available for deploying to Kubernetes. As it stands, the solution is ideal for small scale environments but can support plugging in a custom ClickHouse (such as an Altinity operator instance) and Grafana deployments.

If you’re interested or want to learn more, check us out on GitHub! There’s still a lot more work to do and plenty of discussions to have. We want to involve the voices of others from the community early on while keeping the focus of a simplified stack for BI and Observability in mind.

Until next time. ~ Ciao Bella