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My personal helm charts are provided under the MIT License. While I’m the primary consumer of these charts, I have made them generally available for others to use. You may be able to find some of these charts elsewhere, but many of my deployments vary quite a bit from existing ones.

helm repo add mya https://mya.sh

Provenance and Integrity

I recently introduced GPG signing to my helm charts. If you’d like to verify signatures before deployment, you can receive my GPG public key from Ubuntu’s Keyserver using the following command:

gpg --recv-keys 0x0fca5e3c09dfb314

Once you’ve received my GPG key, you can verify charts during install using the helm install --verify.


  • 12factor - Easily deploy an application that conforms to 12factor application patterns.
  • cognative - Deploy the Cognative business intelligence and operations platform.
  • drone - Deploys a Drone server and optionally configure a digitalocean or kubernetes runner.
  • gitea - Git with a cup of tea. Gitea is a painless, self-hosted Git Service.
  • litestream - Easily add a Litestream sidecar to any Deployment, DaemonSet, or StatefulSet.
  • maddy - Deploys a single-tenant Maddy email server.
  • raw - Deploys raw Kubernetes resources to the cluster.
  • redis - Deploys an inconsistent Redis cluster, intended to be fronted by an Envoy sidecar.
  • redis-queue - Deploy a single durable Redis instance, intended to be used as a work queue.
  • redis-raft - Deploy a consistent, partition-tolerant Redis cluster backed by the Raft consensus protocol.
  • registry - Deploys a replicated container registry, with optional caching provided by redis.
  • renovate - Deploys Renovate for automatically managing your software dependencies.
  • storj - Easily add a Storj S3 Gateway as a sidecar to any Deployment, DaemonSet, or StatefulSet.