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When it comes to programming languages, I fall into the camp of “use the right tool for the job”. Since starting my career on the front-end development side of the world, I’m fluent with JavaScript, NodeJS, TypeScript, and many other variants we’ve seen throughout the years. Since then, I’ve picked up a few more systems programming languages, including Go and Rust.

Go  TypeScript  Rust  Python 

Observability, Operations, and Intelligence

I recently adopted cognative, a simplified stack that I’ve been developing to reduce the technical requirements for smaller organizations to own their own Business Intelligence and Operations (what I’m calling BIO). It does this by collapsing the traditional “Business Intelligence” and “Operations” verticals into a single, common stack that offers a centralized location for ALL your information.

Cognative is composed of three systems: ClickHouse, OpenTelemetry, and Grafana.

ClickHouse  OpenTelemetry  Grafana 

Runtime and Orchestration

Over the last 6 years, I’ve accumulated a lot of experience operating Kubernetes clusters in production, overseeing large scale migrations to the platform, as well as having hands-on experience deploying and maintaining systems running on it. For smaller projects where a cloud provider may not be available, I enjoy the k3s ecosystem. Outside Kubernetes, I’m really interested in going a bit deeper on the Aurae project to explore it’s potential for small-board systems.

Docker  Kubernetes  k3s 


Deploying systems to production is always fun. I have been a big fan of the ArgoCD project for a while but found it to be a bit overkill for the cases I’m in these days. For now, I just rely on Terraform to drive Helm releases, but look forward to being able to leverage ArgoCD once again.

Helm  ArgoCD  Terraform